"Daily Express" remembrance festival at the Royal Albert Hall, november 11th, 1928. An address by Admiral of the Fleet Earl Jellicoe, G.C.B., O.M., G.C.V.O. (President of the British Legion). Actually recorded at the Remembrance Festival at the Royal Albert Hall, London

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Titre "Daily Express" remembrance festival at the Royal Albert Hall, november 11th, 1928. An address by Admiral of the Fleet Earl Jellicoe, G.C.B., O.M., G.C.V.O. (President of the British Legion). Actually recorded at the Remembrance Festival at the Royal Albert Hall, London

Jellicoe, John Rushworth

Genre Politique, commémoration
Support d'enregistrement Disque
Format 30 cm aiguille (enregistrement acoustique)
Date d'enregistrement 11-11-1928
Marque / Label Gramophone HMV
Numéro double face C1602
Numéro de catalogue 01201
Numéro de matrice cc13781 a iti
Vitesse (tours / minute) 78
Date du transfert 2015-04-10
Commentaire Paroles non transcrites. Coll. José Sourillan. Première Guerre mondiale, 1914-1918. John Rushworth Jellicoe, 1er vicomte Brocas et 1er comte Jellicoe (1859-1935), amiral britannique

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