Afternoon of music from behind the iron curtain : Paris Russia speaks to you - 1 Tchaikovski, Chant sans paroles - 2 Tschaikovski, mazurka, op. 9, n°3 - 3 Humoreske - 4 Tschaikovski, Barcarolle - 5 Tschaikovski, in the troïka - 6 Rachmaninov, Prélude - 7 Marie Lazarus (quelques mots) - 8 Liadov, Music box [Musical cock from Costa] - 9 Moussorgski, intermezzo - 10 Scriabine, Prélude en si bémol mineur, op. 11, n°16

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Title Afternoon of music from behind the iron curtain : Paris Russia speaks to you - 1 Tchaikovski, Chant sans paroles - 2 Tschaikovski, mazurka, op. 9, n°3 - 3 Humoreske - 4 Tschaikovski, Barcarolle - 5 Tschaikovski, in the troïka - 6 Rachmaninov, Prélude - 7 Marie Lazarus (quelques mots) - 8 Liadov, Music box [Musical cock from Costa] - 9 Moussorgski, intermezzo - 10 Scriabine, Prélude en si bémol mineur, op. 11, n°16
Composer(s) / Lyricist(s)

Costa's Cock sucking corporation ;

Cornman, Robert


Cornman, Robert ;

Swarovski, Tony ;

Lazarus, Marie Tatiana [Myriam Degan]

Content type Musique contemporaine, expérimentale, GRM
Recording media Bande magnétique
Format Bande magnétique 6,25
Speed ​​(rpm) 38cm-seconde
Transfer date 2012-08-17
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