Title | Piękny Rigo operetka ; Piosenka z operetki – Belle Riga - Beautiful Riga: Song from the operetta |
Composer(s) / Lyricist(s) | |
Performer(s) | |
Content type | Opérette |
Recording media | Disque |
Format | 17 cm aiguille (enregistrement acoustique) |
Recording place | Warsaw, Varsovie, Plologne |
Recording year | 1901 |
Manufacturer / Label | Berliners' Gramophone |
Catalog number | 22966II |
Matrix number | 1859B-Fo-2z |
Speed (rpm) | 73,1 |
Transfer date | 2011-03-08 |
Comments | Paroles non transcrites. Chanté en langue polonaise. On lit sur le disque : Piekny Rigo. Opérette créée en 1899 |
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