Madeleine Carroll speaking – A present from Miss Madeleine Carroll 10 Upper Woburn Place London, W.C.1

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Title Madeleine Carroll speaking – A present from Miss Madeleine Carroll 10 Upper Woburn Place London, W.C.1
Composer(s) / Lyricist(s)

Carroll, Madeleine


Carroll, Madeleine

Content type Discours de circonstance
Recording media Disque
Format 19 cm aiguille (enregistrement acoustique)
Recording place Londres, Angleterre
Recording year 1931
Manufacturer / Label [Durium] Sound Distributors Ltd. London England – Dubrico pat. no. 337796
Matrix number S.D. 59A
Speed ​​(rpm) 78
Transfer date 2022-05-11
Comments Paroles non transcrites. Médecine, tuberculose. Appeal for funds for the "Papworth Village Settlement" (a village specially built outside Cambridge to accomodate people suffering from tuberculosis. The village was founded in 1915 and is 16 years old when the record was made.

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