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Titre :La Voix des chênes
Compositeur(s) et-ou auteur(s) :Goublier, Gustave ; Borel, Francisque ; Borel, Stéphane
Interprète(s) :Noté, Jean
Genre :Mélodie de concert
Fichier audio :
Photo(s) :Photo
Support d'enregistrement :Disque
Format :29 cm saphir (enregistrement acoustique)
Lieu d'enregistrement :Paris, France
Marque de fabrique, label :Auto-disque Pathé - Omnium Pathéphone, 10 rue de la Victoire, Paris
Numéro de catalogue :X602
Numéro de matrice :2488
Inscriptions complémentaires :10-5-26
Instruments :orchestre acc.
État :Exc++
Vitesse (tours/minute) :79,5
Matériel employé au transfert :Garrard 401, SME 3012, pointe 2,0ET sur Stanton, Elberg MD12 : courbe flat, passe-bas 4k, Cedar X declick, decrackle, dehiss
Date du transfert :07-11-2012
Commentaires :Texte du contenu ci-dessous. Rare disque à pâte couleur crème, destiné aux auditions publiques sur phonographes automatiques. À propos d'Omnium Pathéphone et son fondateur, Albert Bernard (1882-1968), voir notice nécrologique dans Billboard, octobre 1968, vol. 40, n° 80, p. 55.
Texte du contenu :Sur l'Omnium Pathéphone et son fondateur, Albert Bernard (1882-1968), voir notice nécrologique dans Billboard, octobre 1968, vol. 40, n° 80, p. 55.

'Bernard, French trade catalyst, dies at 86.' — Albert Bernard, one of the founder figures of the French record industry, is dead at age 86. Bernard began his career in 1906 when he joined the Pathe Brothers concern and was promoted to assistant commercial director only two years later. Before the First World War he headed Pathé's Berlin office and, after four years of military service, was promoted to director general of the firm. He branched off on his own in 1924, first founding Pathephone Societe in San Sebastian, Spain, and later, in Paris, Omnium-Pathephone.
In 1926 he founded a new company, Industrie Phonographique, which he headed until it and Omnium Pathephone were grouped under Pathe-freres Ltd.
Bernard made his first transatlantic contacts in 1938 when, as head of a new company, Art, Technique et Commerce (Arteco), he acquired the Columbia Broadcasting System licence for France and founded the Société CBS Disques in France. He was made honorary chairman of the company in 1960.
His interests in promoting the industry as a whole date back to 1920 when he created the Syndicat National de l'Industrie et du Commerce Phonographique (the national federation of record manufacturers) of which he was honorary president since 1958.
From 1952 to 1954, Bernard was president of the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry. He became a chevalier of the Légion d'honneur in 1933 and was made an Officer of the Order in 1951.


Albert Bernard.

Billboard, 27 janvier 1973, p. 96. :

[...] SNICOP was founded in 1922 by Albert Bernard, a former colleague of one of the inventors of the gramophone record Emile Pathe. At the time of the establishment of the association, production and sale of both records and record playing equipment were closely linked, hence the association was called the Organization of French Industry and Trade of the Talking Machine. [...]


Le Courrier musical de France - Numéros 21 à 24 - Page 269
Le 20 août 1968 s'éteignait, en son domicile à Paris, Albert BERNARD, âgé de 86 ans. Il était Président d'Honneur ...

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