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Titre :Mrs Meurig Morris in a trance address (part 2)
Compositeur(s) et-ou auteur(s) :Morris, Meurig
Interprète(s) :Morris, Meurig
Genre :Discours de circonstance
Fichier audio :Audio indisponible ou disponible sous conditions
Support d'enregistrement :Disque
Format :30 cm aiguille (enregistrement acoustique)
Lieu d'enregistrement :Londres, Angleterre
Marque de fabrique, label :Columbia
Numéro de double-face :DX265
Numéro de matrice :wax6024
Inscriptions complémentaires :14818
Date de l'enregistrement :1931-03-20
Vitesse (tours/minute) :78
Matériel employé au transfert :Stanton 150, pointe 3,0ET puis 5,0 sur Shure, Elberg MD12 : courbe HMV, Cedar duo declickle, dehiss
Date du transfert :27-09-2024
Commentaires :Texte du contenu ci-dessous. Spiritisme
Texte du contenu :Mrs Meurig Morris in a trance address

[Part 1]

Father, thou who knowest the hearts of all thy children, grant unto us thy blessing upon our work, that it shall at all times be for the honour and glory of thy name.


Children… this great route of communion and the knowledge of survival has gone to your religion not only a blind faith but a fact, not only a belief but a knowledge, that man himself is a spiritual being.
That at so-called death he discards the terrestrial garment and therefore soars into another world of existence.
But the key that opens out the wider beauty of that world is dependent upon the man, the true man himself, that he, through his character, that by thought, word, and deed, he shall be known. And because of that finer body, he shall dwell in that sphere of life, understanding more and more of the great knowledge of that creative power.

[Part 2]

I just thought… [?]
There may be some of you who do not believe in this truth of the continuity of life. You do not believe in the actual controlling of a physical instrument.
And yet, you are here today, where, through the minds of man, this wonderful invention has been brought about; where, through the waves – the sound waves – through the etheric waves, you are able to record the voice of man.
Do you not think that in the ages of the past, had they but been told of this invention, so commonplace amongst you, would they not have said, it would be but of the devil, and a great number of people would have disbelieved?
Today, you with your knowledge, are placed in exactly the same position. There are a great number of people who say that it is an impossibility. There are two others who say it is of the devil, because they do not understand.
But remember this.
It is in the nature of a prophecy but it is because I know of its truth, that I just tell you today are able, not only through this invention, but by others that are indispensable to you, you are able to commune from one part of your world to the other.
So in the future time, death will have lost its sting. For survival and communion will not be as is today through a physical instrument but will be brought about by instruments through the inventive mind of man.
The key that will unlock that knowledge is to understand more and more of the ether because there are various grades of ether, and the mind which vibrates at a higher rate of vibration, and is understood at the moment, vibrates through a finer grade of ether.
And therefore, it is only through the knowledge of those who have passed, finding those instruments attuned to receive the message, that communion is understood to a greater extent today.
Therefore, be open in your minds.
Do not cast aside these things that come before you. But seek, that ye may find, and when you have found, know that it is a good and a wise man who scoffs not at the beliefs of another.
For you are just beginning to open out into this greater world of reality.
You are in a world relative to that reality. You are going to open out to the greater reality rule of seeking. Therefore, do as we would bid you, in this great cooperation, or truly, it shall be a great and glorious benefit, not only materially but spiritually, in the great knowledge of the abiding love of the Father.

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