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Titre :Courrier d'un médecin. Rapport médico-légal en anglais
Interprète(s) :Anonyme(s) ou interprète(s) non identifié(s)
Genre :Enregistrement privé, dictée pour secrétariat
Fichier audio :
Photo(s) :Photo
Support d'enregistrement :Dictabelt sombre
Format :Cylindre souple Dictabelt - Dictaphone Corporation
Lieu d'enregistrement :Walsall, Angleterre
Marque de fabrique, label :Dictabelt
Date de l'enregistrement :1952-05-00
Instruments :Déclamation, diction
État :Exc++
Vitesse (tours/minute) :46
Matériel employé au transfert :Archeophone, pointe microsillon sur Ortofon, Elberg MD12 : courbe flat, passe-bas 4kHz, Cedar X, declick, decrackle, dehiss
Date du transfert :16-01-2013
Commentaires :Texte du contenu ci-dessous. I am a registered medical practitionner residing at 1 Bescott Road, Walsall, and a Police Sergeant to the county borough of Walsall
Texte du contenu :Courrier d'un médecin

Here is the report ... Davis ... itself

BNC Honors NBCHB MRCS LACP on his oath, [...]

I am a registered medical practitionner residing at 1 Bescott Road, Walsall, and an Police Sergeant to the county borough of Walsall.

On Wednesday May, the 28, 1952, in response to a telephone call, I visited the Police office and arrived at 12 midnight.

There I saw the defendant George Herbert Whittaker Deuchars : D-E-U-C-H-A-R-S, of 169 HillTown, Dundee.

Page 45, paragraph.

He consented to examination, but asked for a doctor to attend on his own behalf. At first, three doctors were contacted at his request without success. He then said, inverted commas "I no bother with em", later at his request attempts were made to contact yet another doctor but this doctor also was unwilling to attend.

I asked him to spell his name and he spellt Whittaker as Whitter W-H-I-T-T-E-R.

He said you've got your duty to perform, Doctor, but its a great flame up. Its through T-H-R-U-E, wha W-H-A, Bobby Burrns B-U-R-R-N-S says, "a man's a man for all that falls as Robby says", then there was an unintelligible quotation ending in "aboot, A-B-O-O-T, the brae, B-R-A-E".

All this time there were yawns and hiccups and frequent interjections from the defendant. He said "you're wastin' your time and mine".
I noticed there was a dried stain on the front of his shirt which resembled vomit.

We went through to the magistrate's room. I noticed that he was very unsteady and he would have fallen in entering the magistrate room had the door frame not prevented him.

I first asked him to do the handwriting test and I enclose the exhibit.
The sentence given was as follows " I am willing to be examined by doctor Davis the police sargent", signature and date. I read this to him at normal conversational speed and then at slow dictation speed and offering to spell the words for him. He sat at the table in a good light while doing the writing.
The result is almost illegible.

The pulse was ninety six, the face was flushed, the tongue was dried and furred and the throat was red. He had no upper teeth and said he could not wear a denture. I noticed he had a large caruncle at the inner corner of the left eye. In answer to my question he said he would not have it operated on : "when you're a long distance driver that's all be recht, R-E-C-H-T".

I noticed a strong smell of drink. About this time he started whistling then he said "I, A-Y-E, tis is a great game".

The upper eyelids were heavy, the whites were muddy and blood shot, the pupils were widely dilated and equal with a sluggish reaction to light of the hippus type.

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