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Titre :The Bull Frog Patrol
Compositeur(s) et-ou auteur(s) :Kern, Jerome ; Caldwell, Anne
Interprète(s) :The Duncan Sisters ; Duncan, Rosetta ; Duncan, Vivian ; Byng, G.W.
Fichier audio :
Photo(s) :Photo
Support d'enregistrement :Disque
Format :30 cm aiguille (enregistrement électrique)
Lieu d'enregistrement :Londres, Angleterre
Marque de fabrique, label :Gramophone
Numéro de double-face :C1093
Numéro de catalogue :04322
Numéro de matrice :Cc1994-II
Date de l'enregistrement :1922-10-20
Instruments :duo femmes, orchestre acc.
Vitesse (tours/minute) :80
Matériel employé au transfert :Stanton 150, pointe 3,0ET sur Shure M44G, Elberg MD13 : courbe HMV, Cedar X, declick, decrackle
Date du transfert :15-12-2022
Commentaires :Texte du contenu ci-dessous. From the show She's A Good Fellow (1919).
Texte du contenu :Track Title: The Bullfrog Patrol

Prime Artist: Rosetta and Vivian Duncan
Lyrics by: Anne Caldwell
Music by: Jerome Kern (J. David K.)
From the Show: She's A Good Fellow 1919 (S)


A froggie sat
On a sultry summer night,
Upon a log,
[Rosetta And Vivian]
The moon shone brightly,
His pale green lady friend he came to serenade,
I said his lady friend he came to serenade.

His lady dear, with her blinky winky eyes,
Was pleased to hear
[Rosetta And Vivian]
Him vocalizing,
She knew her gen'leman friend had came to serenade,
I said her gen'leman friend had came to serenade.

[Rosetta And Vivian]
"Pretty Lady Frog," said he,
"Hippy-hop along with me,
If my hunky-dunk you'll be,
Sweet Lady Frog,
I'll build a cuddacadunkchuck bungalow in my bog,
I said, a cuddacadunkchunk bungalow in my bog."

Pretty Lady frog replied,
As her chest puffed out with pride,
"Till my own frog's legs are fried
I will be true,
Live in your cuddacadunkchunk bungalow bog with you,
I said, your cuddacadunkchunk bungalow with you."

From the lady of his choice
These few words made him rejoice,
So he lifted up his voice,
And let it float,
Just like the foghorn on the big Fall River boat, will you
I said, the foghorn on the big Fall River boat.

As the tones rang out again,
All the watchdogs howled in pain,
And a hundred barks arose
From bulldog throats,
They said, "This frog Caruso sure has got our goats,"
They said, "This frog Caruso sure has got our goats."

He sang all night,
With his froggy might and main,
Till broad daylight
[Rosetta And Vivian]
A man insanely
Called, "Won't you cut it out, it really is no joke,
I wish that Bolsheviki froggy-dog would croak."

The froggy sat,
With his bulgy, wulgy eyes,
Upon the log,
The sun was rising,
And as he hooted out his last cadunkdunkchunk,
He fell right off'n the log with just a sad "ker-plunk,"
Ker-plunk, ker-chunk.

That's all!

Is that all right ?

- - -

- - -

Original Lyrics:

A bullfrog sat
On a sultry summer night,
Upon a log,
The moon shone brightly,
His pale green lady friend he came to serenade,
I said his lady friend he came to serenade.

His lady dear, with her blinky winky eyes,
Was pleased to hear
Him vocalizing,
She knew her gen'leman friend had cme to serenade,
I said her gen'leman friend had come to serenade.

"Pretty Polly Wog," said he,
"Hippy-hop along with me,
If my hunky-dunk you'll be,
Sweet Lady Frog,
I'll build a cuddacadunkchuck bungalow in my bog,
I said, a cuddacadunkchunk bungalow in my bog."

Pretty Polly Wog replied,
As her chest puffed out with pride,
"Till my own frog's legs are fried
I will be true,
Live in your cuddacadunkchunk bungalow bog with you,
I said, your cuddacadunkchunk bungalow with you."

[Rosetta And Chorus]
"Pretty Polly Wog," said he,
"Hippy-hop along with me..."

[Vivian And Chorus]
A bullfrog sat
On a sultry summer night...

[Rosetta And Vivian]
>From the lady of his choice
These few words made him rejoice,
So he lifted up his voice,
And let it float,
Just like the foghorn on the big Fall River boat,
I said, the foghorn on the big Fall River boat.

As the tones ranf out again,
All the watchdogs howled in pain,
And a hundred barks arose
>From bulldog throats,
They said, "This frog Caruso sure has got our goats,"
They said, "This frog Caruso sure has got our goats."

He sang all night,
With his froggy might and main,
All broad daylight
A man insanely
Called, "Won't you cut it out, it really is no joke,
I wish that Bolsheviki froggy-dog would croak."

The bullfrog sat,
With his bulgy, wulgy eyes,
Upon the log,
The sun was rising,
And as he hooted out his last cadunkdunkchunk,
He fell right off'n the log with just a sad "ker-plunk,"
Ker-plunk, ker-chunk.

That's all!

Contributed by Carlene Bogle

Source [2022-12-15]

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