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149 results found

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Title :Un Hombre de suerte - bobine n° 1
Composers and/or lyricists :Perojo, Benito ; Barberis, René ; Mirande, Yves
Performers :Rey, Roberto ; Callejo de la Vega, María Luz
Audio file :
Recording medium :Disque
Format :40 cm aiguille (enregistrement électrique)
Recording location :USA
Manufacturer, label :Paramount Publix Corporation - Fabriqué en France
Catalogue number :P-981-1A
Recording date :1930
Condition :Exc++
Speed (rpm) :33,3
Tools used for data transfer :Garrard 401, SME 3012, pointe 3,5ET sur Stanton, Elberg MD12 : courbe flat
Transfer date :2015-09-29
Comments :Coll. Cinémathèque française. Cinéma parlant, procédé Vitaphone

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