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Title :Andante de la symphonie en sol de Haydn – Symphonie n°94 en sol majeur, "La Surprise"
Composers and/or lyricists :Haydn, Joseph
Performers :Anonyme(s) ou interprète(s) non identifié(s)
Content type :Classique
Audio file :
Recording medium :Cylindre
Format :Standard (enregistrement acoustique)
Recording location :Paris, France
Manufacturer, label :Pathé
Catalogue number :6002
Recording date :1898-1899
Instruments :orchestre
Color of the material :marron
Condition :abon, faible
Speed (rpm) :144
Tools used for data transfer :Archéophone, pointe Edison elliptique sur Ortofon declick, decrackle
Transfer date :2010-01-04
Comments :Note from Christian Zwarg : Catalogue number 6001 according to the 1899 catalogue

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