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Title :Barbara Allen
Performers :Luther, Frank, and his Pards
Content type :Chanson traditionnelle américaine
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Recording medium :Cylindre
Format :Blue Amberol (enregistrement acoustique)
Recording location :New York City, NY, USA
Manufacturer, label :Edison
Catalogue number :5596
Matrix number :7
Recording date :1928
Instruments :guitar, harmonica
Color of the material :bleu
Condition :Exc++
Speed (rpm) :80 sans filtre doublé
Tools used for data transfer :Archéophone
Transfer date :2002-10-01
Comments :Texte du contenu ci-dessous.
Text or lyrics :Barbara Allen
It was in the merry month of May
When flowers were a blooming
Sweet Willie on his death bed lay
For the love of Barbara Allen
He sent his servant to the town
The town where she gets well in
Sayin' master dear has sent me here
If your name be Barbara Allen"
Then slowly slowly she got up
And slowly she went to him
And all she said when she got there
"Young man I think you're dying
Oh don't you remember the other day
When we were in the tavern
You drank a health to the ladies there
And slighted Barbara Allen
(violin + harmonica)

He turned his face onto the wall
He turned his back upon her
I do I do to all my friends
Be kind to Barbara Allen
She went on through and through the town
She heard his death bells ringing
And every stroke they seemed to say
"oh cruel Barbara Allen"

She looked to the East,
She looked to the West
She saw his horse coming
Oh set(?) him down for me she cried
That I may gaze upon him
No more she looked
No more she breathed
She bursted out crying
Saying "pick me up
And carry me home
For I feel I am dying"
They buried Willie in the old churchyard
And Barbara in the new one
And from Willie's grave they grew a rose
And on Barbara's a green brier
They grew, they grew
To the old church wall
And could not grow any higher
And there they tied in a thrill of knots
The rose ??? the brier.
(harmonica, guitar)

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