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327 results found

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Title :Ночь (Романс) - Nuit, romance, op. 44, n° 1
Composers and/or lyricists :Rubinstein, Anton ; Рубинштейн, Антон Григорьевич ; Pouchkine, Alexandre Sergueïevitch ; Пушкин, Александр Сергеевич
Performers :Litvinne, Félia ; Hirlemann, Théophile
Audio file :
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Recording medium :Cylindre
Format :Inter (enregistrement acoustique)
Manufacturer, label :Pathé
Catalogue number :20823
Matrix number :10843P
Instruments :piano acc.
Condition :Exc++
Speed (rpm) :160
Tools used for data transfer :Archéophone, pointe 2 minutes sur Stanton, Elberg MD12 : courbe flat, passe-bas 6k, Cedar X declick, decrackle, dehiss
Transfer date :2013-05-28

No other audio transfer of the document, nor flip side

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